Old 06-04-2012, 12:25 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 19

Wow!! i just got home and looked at this post..what a wonderful group of people..so much kindness & generosity, thank you!

My iron is cleaned. I didn't want to leave my project yesterday and i needed my iron (Promise backrub bribe wasn't effective with DH). I scrubbed it with salt and vinegar. my husband told me his grandmother used salt and vinegar on everything, it worked mostly.
Lesson learned....as well as 3 other ways to clean it thx to QBers....and how to prevent it in the first place--Press Cloth. I picked up these items today.

great tips on the 1/4" seam guides. Mary--the painter's tape looks nifty, Bonnie Hunter suggested bunion pads...tried it, didn't work for me (on my machine,,not my feet!) I've deemed the scant 1/4" as "advanced" & it'll come to me...maybe. I'll be grateful if and when I consistently achieve it. My HST/QST need work..some are under or over or just right, they AVERAGE together!!. Your blocks are amazing!! ...and would love to meet up, I live close to Wash U... Donna..where in Mo are you?

The cutting off buttons while watching TV & then keeping them on safety pins will be a "next time" experience, ziegamomma!!

I'm going to "pet" my fabric now and try to get everything deconstructed so I can start to cut them up.

Any cutting tips to keep the strips consistently accurate?

(still trying to figure out how to get the pics off my phone, nephew is going to help me.)

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