Thread: Wrist problem
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Old 06-05-2012, 05:35 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Norfolk, VA
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Wendy, this is a common problem with any type of work done with your hands. My MIL makes surgical equipment and it's very tedious and they have special thin gloves for them to wear. It can cause a condition of your wrists, I can think of the name right now but it can be very painful. My sister had to have surgery to fix one of her hands. Do a web search and there are excercises that you can do to help you? They are kind of like stretching excercises. You might be able to find some gloves to help you. I see you live in my area there is a medical supply store on Little Cr Road and a few other sites where you can get them. They are very thin and the fingers are cut out so you can still work with them on. I think it's call corpul tunnel syndrom, this is what it can turn into, or something really close to that. It should be close enough that you can google it and get more info. If you becareful now you can keep it from getting too bad. Sometimes I get the tingling up the outside of my arm when I'm appliquing. Try taking breaks and doing excercise with your wrist and fingers and see if this helps. I use to wear a brace on my arm when I wasn't too busy during the day and at night because I'd sleep on it and wake up the next morning and my whole arm would tingle for hours.
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