Thread: Wrist problem
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Old 06-07-2012, 08:03 AM
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I found a hand exercise that solves my wrist pain. Here's a description, but if I don't explain it well enough let me know and I'll post some pictures.

1. Stand facing a wall, with your palm flat on the wall. You want your thumb pointing towards the ceiling. this stretches the muscles from the elbow all the way to your fingers. You'll feel the stretch, hold it while you slowly count to 10. Repeat this 10 times.

If youve never done this before your palm might not reach the wall. This is a sign that you need to do this exercise regularly. If this is the case, do what you can, every day, and you'll get it limbered up eventually.

'Normal' is when your wrist can be held at 90 degree angle on the wall without pain.

2. Once you reach 'Normal', add one more step to this exercise:

Gently, pull your thumb towards your head. This stretches the area that causes the sharp shooting pain going up the outside of your wrist.

Try to reach the 2nd step, doing this regularly should make it possible to take up crochet again.
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