Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 06-07-2012, 11:39 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536
Default OT but it could be a blessing to some people

You know I really hate not having a voice and I mean
that in the LITERAL sense of the word.

Yesterday morning I woke up and had a real bad sore &
scratchy throat. Although at the time I did not know that
I had lost my voice at that time.

It wasn't until about an hour later when one of the cats decided
it was play time and bit me a little to hard and I went to scold
her for that and had no voice in which to scold.

Of course my hubs LOVED it last night that he didn't have to hear
me be my normal "mouthy" self, but then again he hates reading
notes so he was stuck.

Today I can talk a little bit but not much louder than a whisper
hubs called me and when I answered and didn't say anything he
understood that no my voice was not fully back so he sent me text

Normally my phone doesn't ring that often, but today there has
been 6 calls none of which I could answer.

Now back to my fabric room.
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