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Old 06-10-2012, 10:55 PM
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Default Guilty pleasures

I'm up in the middle of the night (well, besides the fact that I'm just a night owl) because in a few minutes they're going to show the TV series "Breaking Bad' from the pilot on. I came to that party late & discovered that I really like the show so now I need to get caught up. Which prompted my question. I don't consider "Breaking Bad" to be my guilty pleasure (tho I understand how it isn't everybody's cup of tea -- what can I say? I like weird TV shows with conflicted characters). So, if I tell you what mine is, will you tell us what yours is? I'm really embarrassed that I even know what this show is, let alone enjoy it but my guilty pleasure is either "16 & Pregnant" or it's sequel, "Teen Mom". Don't ask me why I "like" them because I couldn't tell you. In fact, I get so mad at the girls on "16 & Pregnant" that I yell at the TV (my DH says "Why do you torture yourself watching that mess?") but the next week, I'm back. OK... I came clean. Your turn.

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