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Old 06-16-2012, 01:07 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Bosque County, Texas
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If you have ever had a vaginal yeast infection then you have had a fungal infection. I know some people have bought the over the counter medication for the yeast infection and used it on their toe fungus. I was told it worked as well on that fungus infection as on the vaginal infection. I guess fungus is fungus no matter where it grows, but it is a lot harder to kill on the toes because the nail protects it. Any antifungal substance has to get into the blood stream to kill the fungus. When you apply it on the toes, it has to get under the nail to get to the fungus and has to enter the blood stream to kill all of the fungus. In my mind I think of it as killing the roots on a tree. You have to do more than just cut the tree down, you have to get the roots. Fungus is hard to kill. You can't just kill the fungus that is visible. In time the growth will reoccur. If you can stop wearing closed toed shoes and socks after the fungal infection is gone, then the damp environment it needs to grow is not there and the fungus may stay dormant for years even if it is not completely killed.Good luck to all of you who are fighting this disfiguring growth and trying to get back into pretty sandals.
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