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Old 06-16-2012, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Jenniky View Post
Thank him for me for his service to mankind; our support services are so vital to helping rescue and keeping people from danger and I know saving lives and property can sometimes be a very difficult and dangerous job.

I chose to start with the Fire Department. Because When I asked myself what is the first thing I think of when I think of the Fourth of July. It was Fire Safety and I wanted my 3-P Quilt to be a safe town. So that is where I got the idea. Didnt want to create any Fireworks without the Fire Department on Watch

As for my back and hip. My car was totaled by an elderly lady driver who was chatting with her friends instead of paying attention to the road she ran a red light at approx 60 mph <my estimate> and hit my car. The muscles were torn away from the bones in my hip and created lots of problems with the nerves in my lower back. My muscles tighten/ stiffen up badly sometimes and the Moist Heat helps. Ice usually helps numb but then I still have the problem of not being able to move. So physical therapist recommends Moist Heat for me and lots of stretching. Im hoping once the court case is settled I will have enough money to go to a specialist. At this time Im told there is nothing operable they can do for me. So its all pain management. Quilting sometimes helps me keep my mind off the pain. So I try to focus on it when I can. But there are the bad days. Oh well, so go's life.
I'll tell him. He was totally dedicated and committed to serving. In fact, he is involved in Fire teaching to give back. He worked his way through every rank and the last 5 years of of his career he was the Fire Chief of his department. (I'm a proud wife for sure!)

That is so great that you have the fire department in your quilt town to keep watch!

Sorry to hear about your accident and that the case is going to court. That is such a lengthy process (I worked for a Litigation attorney for 6 years as his paralegal)-and can be so hard on you, especially when you've suffered. Good that you are on top of your pain management and doing what your physical therapist recommends!! Every injury seems different. I hope you have more relief every day!

PS-I didn't see your MQ6 in the Pictures!! (I'm about 1/2 way done with mine....I've been lagging behind on that one as I have several other projects in the works). Didn't get any sewing done today as my DD and my 3 DGbabies (5, 2, & 1) were here and it was chaotic for much of the day (but fun too!) Love spending time with them and get to see them again tomorrow for Father's Day and celebrating my birthday, which is next Tues! I'll also get to see my DS, wife and my other GS as well! Fun with the grandbabies!!
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