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Old 06-20-2012, 01:19 PM
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I find the Bounce ironing spray to milder then the Best Press. I noticed at Walmart yesterday there was a $1 instant off coupon on the Bounce Spray. I bought a case of it when it first came out when it was a store special.
I haven't had a problem with the scent affecting me in any way but I don't have allergies or asthma. I'm not even allergic to poison ivy or oak. Interesting every one I have met that isn't allergic to the poison ivy family does not have allergies. I ate a buck eye when I was child and some poke berries and never got sick. Poke berries taste horrible by the way. Worse then acorns. LOL. None of my kids have allergies but DH has some and the Bounce spray doesn't bother him. I haven't seen it in unscented.
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