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Old 09-21-2009, 04:30 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 506

In the winter my hands crack and bleed a lot especially around the nails and on the finger pads. It didn't matter what lotion I used and I have tried them all. The one thing that has worked wonders for me (on my dermatologist's suggestion) is at night I slather on plain old vaseline and then those cheap white gloves you get at the pharmacy. You can also get those gloves at Bath and Body Works (and they last longer), but they are much more expensive. My husband says it is like sleeping with a mime :lol: but my hands are so smooth and crack free. I also do the same for my feet, slather on the vaseline and then some socks, keeps me warm as well and my feet are so soft. Usually at some point during the night I take them off, but the vaseline is already absorbed so it is not a problem. I just wash the gloves in a lingerie bag.
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