Old 06-21-2012, 11:48 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 4

Yes, most of it is paper-pieced. I've done a bit of paper-piecing, but am lazy when it comes to tracing I take my masters to the print shop to have them copied.

I'm afraid I didn't explain myself very clearly. I shouldn't have used the word "pieces" but rather "sections". Each section is paper-pieced (usually with multiple fabrics) and then trimmed, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance to be joined to adjacent sections. Making sure the seam allowance is cut accurately aids in aligning all the sections.

I realized what I'd neglected to say (the most important thing!) is that there are a lot of curved sections. These sections are what I'm concerned about cutting accurately. For straight edges I just use an add-a-quarter ruler.
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