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Old 06-22-2012, 09:23 PM
Jeanette Frantz
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,585
Default Heart Potholders -- Materials for

Several years ago, I designed/drew up a pattern for heart-shaped potholders. I really was quite wrapped up in making those - dozens of them. Well, you might have guessed, I really grew tired of them. Really, they make up very nicely, but I'm ready to go to something else more useful -- such as quilts.

I am going to be out of town and out of touch for the next week because my baby brother died yesterday, but this idea of mine has been plaguing me. I have dozens of pair of heart potholders cut out, some with pellon already fused. I also have tons of bias binding, decorative lace, decorative ribbon, etc., and a lot of fabric (just large enough for the potholders), as well as appliques, etc. While I cannot really do anything with it right now, I would like to give this stuff away to, perhaps someone who is interested in crafts but may not be able to afford to purchase the materials -- I don't know --- I would prefer the materials be used for someone's benefit, rather than rot in a box here at my house. Besides, I need the room for quilting materials! LOL!

Does anyone have some ideas on how this might be accomplished? I would even ship the materials at my expense. It just seems a real waste-- to just sit here!

Jeanette Frantz
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