Old 06-28-2012, 05:43 AM
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Originally Posted by J Miller View Post
There's another reason adding thread on top of thread in a bobbin is a bad idea. RUST. The MW we just got had one bobbin in it. Wound with real purty shiny blue thread. Under that about 8 different colors and types of thread. Under that, the bobbin had rusted. Thread can absorb moisture. Bobbins are cheep, but why waste them?

Chris and Joe, almost every vintage machine I have had more than one color thread wound on its bobbin. I just remove all the old thread and start with new thread! I think the reason people use to wind multiple colors is just to be frugal. When a spool was almost out of thread, they'd wind it on the bobbin so nothing was wasted. People couldn't afford to waste anything especially during the Depression! I agree with everyone else here - it is probably not a good practice - but if you are using up the thread I really doubt it 'hurts' anything. The machine doesn't know or care how many colors are on its bobbins as long as the bobbin is not over full - which applies even with one color! I think most people here are against the practice because as Joe said, we unwind those multiple layers - they are stuck together and rusted - not fun!

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