Old 06-28-2012, 10:23 AM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 37

Thank you all for such thoughtful replies. I have discussed all the ideas with my sister-in-law. She and I both agree.. we're going to keep it as is and try it out on a table first, then we'll either find someone who can finish the edges or simply leave it the way it is. My biggest concern is the stretching.. you've all made good points, the crochet stretches much differently than fabric.

My sister-in-law knew my mother was making it for her but thought after all this time it was lost forever.. so she's just thrilled that she'll finally have the gift that my mother wanted her to have. She just had her first grand daughter and is looking forward to handing it down some day...

jcrafty1s, I'm sorry, there is no pattern. I'm not even sure if she ever used one.. : ) She passed away approx 30 years ago and I was just a child so I'm not certain where all that has gone. I've got closer photos of it if you'd like me to send you those?

Thank you ladies!
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