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Old 07-04-2012, 10:45 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Texas, USA
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I'm teaching my 9-yo granddaughter to sew and her first project is a simple, backed quilt top ("summer quilt"). She chose the fabrics and I cut 12 squares, 13" (to allow for 1/2" seam). I posted pictures, not long ago, of her progress. The next time she comes over, she'll sew the backing (flannel) right side to the top, then turn and top-stitch. It's a simple project, even though it's 36" x 48". I chose this because I wanted her first project to be something of which she'd be very proud . . . and can use.

I had planned to also teach two 6 year old girls to sew. After watching them tackle another craft (bead pets), my DD and I both decided they need to develop their fine motor skills a bit more, before handling a sewing machine. As Dayle suggested, it'd probably be best to introduce the younger children to something simpler, first. A year can make a world of difference, as far as fine motor skills are concerned. Some children develop very early, some not. It's an individual thing and has nothing to do with intelligence.

Have fun!
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