Old 07-05-2012, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by nurseknitsLaura View Post
I've seen the handcrank version of those. They are made in China and sold in rural areas. I knew someone whose grandma brought on over. It seemed like a nice simple, straight stitch machine that turned over well, although I didn't sew on it. I am fascinated that there are large parts of the world that have so little access to electricity that these machines are commercially viable. We are just so lucky in this country. My grandparents were immigrants here, and I bless them every day that I was born here! Laura
My mom came over as an indenture servant after WWII. Whenever my siblings and I would start to complain about whatever was lacking, she would always remind us how fortunate we were (and are today). She would tell us of bombings and going hungry- and yes, going without electricity. I remember as a very young child visiting my grandmother in Germany and seeing a treadle. I just can't remember what type. I'm sure that treadle was dragged from one bombed out home to another. My mom said she never could get the hang of treadling. She is surprised that I can treadle. Yes, it is wonderful to live where we have electricity since I can treadle at night with a small light over the sewing area....although the other night I believe almost every light in the house was on. I'm happy we still have fresh water.
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