Old 07-05-2012, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by vintagemotif View Post
My mom came over as an indenture servant after WWII. Whenever my siblings and I would start to complain about whatever was lacking, she would always remind us how fortunate we were (and are today). She would tell us of bombings and going hungry- and yes, going without electricity. I remember as a very young child visiting my grandmother in Germany and seeing a treadle. I just can't remember what type. I'm sure that treadle was dragged from one bombed out home to another. My mom said she never could get the hang of treadling. She is surprised that I can treadle. Yes, it is wonderful to live where we have electricity since I can treadle at night with a small light over the sewing area....although the other night I believe almost every light in the house was on. I'm happy we still have fresh water.
Yes, I think at times we all tend to forget how fortunate we are. What I really worry about are the kids - and I mean everyone from 25 down who've never wanted for a thing! They won't know how to cope if they ever have to scrimp like most of the rest of us had to! A lot of our young people have had everything handed to them - most of them have no idea what hardship really is. Yes, I realize some kids haven't had it so easy, but the majority around where I live are just handed everything - they don't have to earn a thing! They get a car when they turn 16, they don't have to work - they are going to be in for a real shock when they get out into the real world!


Last edited by BoJangles; 07-05-2012 at 05:09 PM.
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