Old 07-07-2012, 12:09 AM
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i certainly understand allergies. i am allergic to something in the kitty litter. i'm happy that my cats go outside. i would prefer, of course, for their health and safety to have them be indoor cats, i have a dog door which they use when no one is looking. i call it an equal opportunity pet door. they'll come in but they want to be let out the front door. they bamboozle dh several times a day/night. i just stare them down. my one concession is to only have short hair cats. orange marmelaide is my favorite color. simon is a shiny black manx cat, born with no tail. tiger is orange and about 4 yrs old. both are sweet and both are rescue cats-- another one of my passions! the cats are joined by 2 lady cocker spaniels. their names are kitten and monkey. monkey named herself, and it fits her. kitten is named after the little girl in father knows best.kitten is a sable, with red, black, white and chocolate brown. monkey is solid black. so i have team red and team black.well, i'm reacting really strongly to some flea bites, so i'm off to find the benedryl. the ones on my arms are huge! guess we'll have to bomb them. have a good night! junebillie, you need to get some sleep! i'm betting you do too, rhonda! good night, sleep tight and don't let the....uh oh, too late!

Last edited by nancia; 07-07-2012 at 12:24 AM.
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