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Old 07-08-2012, 05:05 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Norfolk, VA
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When I started embroidering I asked my dealer about this. She said after 6yrs she's still changing how she does things but one thing she told me makes so much since so I do this. When I get a design and go to download it I creat a folder called Judy's orders and then a folders called orders_companys name, I have one for each place that I get a design from. I download the design and leave it with the same name it came with. Then I take the designs and save them to folders/sub folders for what they are, beach, cutwork, kitchen, holidays w/sub folders for each holiday, etc. When I save them to these folders I name them so it's easy to tell what they are. The reason for this is two things; first I only need to backup the orders folders and the folders where I create or modify designs to make them my own. Short and sweet to do. Secondly and most important. Most sites will allow you to download designs more than once but every once in a while the retire some of thier designs and unless you know the orginal name/number of the design there is no way to get that design back. Plus by having the orders in different folders it's easy to know which site I got them from because I'd never remember after that. If you want some folders to be at the top of the list then put a 1, etc after them. I wanted my creations and orders to be first so I have 1Judys Designs, 2Orders, etc. It'll probably take a while of reading different techniques for you to fine tune yours so be patient. I think the more I get the more I change how I do them.

I know there is no way for me to remember what all I have so I'm in the process of taking all of my designs and creating jpegs and saving them into folders w/site names and when I'm done I'm going to print small thumbnails of each so that I can go thru it when looking for a design. Hope this all helps.

Last edited by romanojg; 07-08-2012 at 05:08 AM.
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