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Old 09-25-2009, 05:56 AM
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Okay--I am on my way out the door, so this has to be really quick.

A lot of my green and red fabrics are from the Hemming House collection by Moda. It is a line from a year or so ago. I then filled in with other fabrics I found as I shopped here and there. My backgrounds are all creamy--some are large prints, some are small. My browns from everywhere (some were in my stash).

This is my tip for fabric collecting for a project. What I did was select as many fabrics as I had on hand that I wanted to use and cut a snip from each one and glued them onto a piece of computer paper. I wrote down how many more of each color I was looking for and then tucked it in my purse. Any time I was out shopping and found myself around fabric I pulled it out and decided if there was anything I wanted to add to the "project stash". Before you know it, you have everything you need. I will admit that it helps that I went on a quilt shop hop of the 10 Atlanta area stores as I was looking for fabric for this project. When I get home tonight I will take some pics of my fabric choices and share with everyone.

This does not have to be a needleturn project. You can use ANY applique process that is comfortable for you. I am choosing to do needleturn because it is something new I want to learn.

This quilt would look wonderful in all kinds of fabrics. If you wanted a more primitive look for it, you could use flannels or homespuns. Batiks would give it a more modern look. Use a palette of shades of one or two colors for a really dramatic monotone quilt. Using Civil War reproduction fabrics would give it an antique look. If you used turkey red and poison green you could create a quilt that has a Baltimore Album feel to it. Just use your imagination. You are allowed to step out of the box!!!!

I will add that if you are interested in making this quilt and want the really big rick rack for it, we do sell it at the quilt shop where I work. I would be happy to send you 10 yards.....
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