Thread: Quirky Habits
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Old 07-10-2012, 12:01 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dallas area, Texas, USA
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Balancing the egg carton as you do makes perfect sense to me, as does tapping the spoon so it won't drip. I just thought those were common sense rather than quirky. Turning on the light when you answer the phone also makes sense because you might need to jot a note. Pans won't nest unless they're stacked by size. I don't have a lot of habits I can't rationalize some way. It's my husband who has the quirky ones! (How come we don't have a little imp face among the smileys here?)

I tell my kids and nieces and nephews that if a prospective mate does anything that is the least bit annoying to you, take a good hard look at it because if you marry him/her you will be dealing with that forevermore, and it will only annoy you worse over time.
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