Thread: Quirky Habits
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Old 07-10-2012, 08:27 PM
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I know many people who have almost all of the quirks listed above. Some of mine are just the way I was raised--no hats at the table, shirts are required at the table and no supper until the sink is empty. The last one drives my family crazy because I won't fix supper if the sink is full of dishes--we will all eat peanut butter sandwiches or someone else will fix supper. Most of my personal issues are food related--marshmallows, tapioca, rice pudding, malt-o-meal and cream of wheat, canned asparagus & pickled okra. The texture gags me. When I was younger, no food was allowed to touch another food on my plate or I wouldn't eat the parts that touched each other. I'm not quite as picky now but I still don't like it and will avoid letting my foods touch and I still tilt my plate to keep juices from flowing onto other food.

Hubby is much more anal than I. He has to have his "elbow" space at the table, puts the toilet paper on over the top and will gripe & grumble if we don't do it right, I still can't figure out the paper towel holder thing so I just deal with his grumbling over that one. He's sentimentally attached to an ugly vertical, wooden towel holder that just irritates the crap out of me so he should just count himself lucky that I bothered to put paper towels on it at all--LOL. He also has the bed wrinkle issue someone mentioned above. He's also very weird about his socks "matching", especially his black dress socks. I try to shade match them but when he's having a grumpy butt day, he'll go through them and double-check my shade matching skills. I will say that he has been mellowing over the years so those nit-picky things he does have become less & less frequent or he's learned to hide them from me which is ok, too--LOL!
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