Thread: Quirky Habits
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Old 07-12-2012, 11:26 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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What my dad said was to RUN from any date my dog did not like.
My worst quirky habits are leaving tools out until I figure out exactly where I want them to go and dropping scraps into a drawer, bag or box until I figure out how I want to use/organize them. These drive the DH crazy. I generally have 10-15 projects going at any one time. This he sees as sensible as some are really complex and take all my brain power and others are super easy. I hate having music with words, or to which I know the words when I am doing complex sewing, because those 'mess me up'.

On the kitchen side, I rinse and stack dishes then wash them every couple of days. This was true before I had a dishwasher.

One thing I do that I learned from the janitor where I used to work, is put several liners in a trash can under the one I am using. This way, if DH goes thru and grabs the bag of trash, I have another liner right there.
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