Old 07-15-2012, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by SharonAnne View Post
Anastasia - Happy you like your swap package. Do you post photos of your quilts (I'll have to go look, right after I view your u-tube shoe video)? I've never seen an Aunt Becky, but I watched a Nancy Zieman video of one being used. Sounds like a winner.

Oh my, when I posted the video I was doing it from memory and the person that originally showed me was a kid that was studying to be a preacher.. then I listened to it again after I posted and I was like.. Oh crap that's a lot of swearing, I hope I don't get the boot.. haha. Omg the kitties and these treats. I had the salmon flavored ones but these chicken ones are potent. They had the bag down today. So to keep the little one from eating my computer cords I was going to toss some treats across the rooom but fat boy came over too. so I shook some into each hand and she raced over to his and tried to still his, but I shoved her back over, so I think she literally inhaled 5 pieces in 1 second cause they were gone before he ate 2 pieces and I had to pin her down so he could eat his. She thinks she's starving anyways. Little brat.

Halfway through the book already. I find it very entertaining to see my donut next to my sewing machine. Looks like a snack waiting for me. And when you shove pins in it they look like sprinkles. hehe. It's endlessly amusing. To me anyways.

I haven't finished an actual quilt yet. I've only been really sewing for like 3 months.. well I guess I did a couple baby ones and I'm still slowly working on a top I'm going to donate but I have to find some more red tones that I like to finish another row. It's a four patch on point pattern and I hate the outside triangles on the block. Haven't yet found a good trick to line them up so they meet evenly at the top. I've been busy making a ton of baby stuff for all my friends' babies getting ready to pop out. After that I'll work on quilts for real. And hopefully never mention that I've ever made baby stuff ever again so I won't have to ever make any of it ever again.. hah. So I've never done any quilting, just tie-knotting so far. My mom has always hand quilted so it's what I know and have equipment for at the moment but I like to keep my fingers intact. Saw the video about the aunt becky and was like.. omg I have to have it. Can you tell I'm susceptible to infomercials? I have to find something else to do during commercials or I'll become a hoarder.

Also.. anyone that wants to.. I LOVE berries.. all kinds of berries.. you can unload them on me and if you want to make them into jam first, I'll take that too.
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