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Old 07-16-2012, 12:51 PM
QueenOfStainedGlassQuilts's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Decorah IA
Posts: 1
Default The Queen of Details By Diane is alive and well! Yippee!!

Dearest loyal subject Maus, My heart doth skip a beat & tears roll down my chubby little cheeks at hearing that you could not get a hold of me. I wroteth a splendid newsletter in May blatantly bragging about my new pillowcase patterns. My lazy webmaster whom I doth call 'youngest son' forgotteth to get it onto my website even though his mother requested that he do so! I have written him another email telling him about your humble dilemma. I am quite confused as to why thy email has not reached the royal castle. Doest thou live in Scotland? :P I have a dearest subject living there and the evil wizards that goeth by the name of Microsoft, or Google..or....whatever, blocks her entry into my kingdom also. No amount of sorcery has stopped them of these foul deeds. Please giveth me a call as I am usually sitting in front of my loyal subjects (via computer) 563-546-7958. Respectfully yours, Diane/Queen of Stained Glass Quilts

Originally Posted by Maus
Does anyone know if Details by Diane is still going?
I have tried 3 times in the last couple of weeks to order Diane's Garden lap quilt (have to email for postage as I am not in the USA) and every time the email has been returned as undeliverable.
Thanks for any help.
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