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Old 09-27-2009, 05:41 AM
Up North
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: North East Lower peninsula of Michigan
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Originally Posted by joanlowder
Hi, I'm retired and from Piedmont NC. Haven't sewn in awhile and actually knew I had a sewing machine in the corner but couldn't find it. Stuff piled up everywhere. Friend and I meet half way once a month and this month we just ate and looked thru quilt magazines. I found a faux charm quilt wall hanging and got inspired again but found I had to clean up first before I can start pulling fabrics. Now looking for help to make a 2 x 3 foot ironing board that will take up less space than my ironing board and looking for advice on how to make it, cover it.

One gal here said she used foil over the wood and then batting, etc. Curious to see who else might have used foil as the silver fabric is expensive. Thanks. Joan [email protected]
I used my old ironing board cover to make a small ironing mat, just covered a piece of plywood. Stapled in onto the back. It sits by my machine for quick pressing of blocks as I sew.
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