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Old 07-16-2012, 10:16 PM
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Default If you take care of feral cats....

Please make sure to check with your humane society to see if they know of a low cost vet for spay & neutering! I was so glad I checked our h.s. - they recommended a super reasonable high-volume spay/neuter clinic. They are in a town about an hour from us, but to make it easy for people they do pick-ups at the humane societies - and drop the animals off the next evening for you to pick up. It can't get any easier. And we were able to get mama kitty, her two kittens (they do pediatric spay/neuter) (and the mama was pregnant before we could do anything to stop it) - AND dh was able to catch the daddy too - so the whole family got "fixed" AND vax'd for less than it would've cost me to do one. I am sooooo grateful. They are all home now and recovering in cages in our basement (away from out inside cats) so we can make sure they're all ok before we release them again.

Mama has become much friendlier since she had her kittens - and with a lot of work, the big tom cat has even come to really enjoy a good head scratch. I hate to have to let them go again.... I'd love to keep them inside, but we already have 3 in a tiny house.

Anyway, I know we couldn't have done the daddy cat, and it would've cost a ton to get our two females done - it made such a huge difference and was so reasonable that I'd love to catch more just to stop the cycle. I'd gladly pay their price! (I can't remember the actual breakdown, but to do 2 females and 2 males, incl rabies & distemper, it was only $150!!!! - and they even trimmed their nails)
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