Thread: Roaming Rounds
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Old 07-18-2012, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Carsey View Post
Jodi and Donna: I am SO SORRY that your tops have not made it back to this side of the pond. Do you have another center that you could put together and send it to us (skipping where your current top is at)?? I for one would love to work on a top for you both.

I am sorry that your top hasn't made it across the pond to your side Jodimae and am surprised to hear that Donna's hasn't made it over there either? Actually I am more than sorry, I am mortified. I would love to say that I would work some more rounds for you but unfortunately I can't as the fact is I am struggling to complete what I have now with life getting in the way quite seriously. Thank goodness Kay is a patient woman as it is taking me quite a bit longer than it should be to do the rounds to complete them so I can send it home to her. I haven't got time to go back through the threads right now but I was sure Donna's had left Australia? Oh dear such a sorry situation this is and quite puts a damper on what should be a fun thing for all.

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