Thread: Quirky Habits
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Old 07-19-2012, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by burchquilts
DH will make a list on ANYTHING. Me? Only lined paper. He also will use anything for a bookmark. Me? My "special" bookmark. Or, if I can't find it or its otherwise occupied, I use another official bookmark. DD will only use photographs for bookmarks.

I also put my stuff on left-side first (tho both boobs go in at once). And I put my clothes on in a certain order. Underpants. Bra. Socks. Slacks. Shoes. Make-up. Shirt (if you put your shirt on before yo put your make-up on, 9 times out of 10 you drop mascara or something on it & then you gotta start all over). Earrings. Rings. Glasses.
ain't it the gosh darn truth about getting make-up on your clothes?
the reason I have to do left boob first is I have 3...soon to be 2, lol...and you think I'm kidding.
Look at my avatar...oh right, I taped it down for the picture session
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