Old 07-21-2012, 05:42 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Originally Posted by miriam
We got out a Singer 99 - cleaned and oiled it with the 7 year old. She loved helping. I let her use the lint brush. Then I let her put one drop of oil on anything that moved. She had a blast. Then we put a balance wheel off a 66 on there and a hand crank. Kept the 5 year old very busy while we cleaned and oiled up another Singer 99. Miss M loves to clean machines. She comes to the right place... I'm thinking she will have some cool memories.

Even Wilbur got in the act. I have some short stubby screwdrivers he was looking at pretty intensely... then he would giggle - hint hint Grandma... This is the kid that wears a Bob the Builder hat anywhere he is allowed... (I found a Bob the Builder shirt for his next Birthday.) He's a huge fan. Tools fascinate him. He comes to the right place. I sent him outside. My tools are my tools - even the cute screwdrivers - ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
One of the nicest toys my kid ever got was not a toy. it was a collection of nuts and bolts in a container and a board with holes drilled through it to put the bolts through. Each bolt came with two nuts, and they were all different. He had to figure out which nut went with which bolt. The same person gave him a cardboard box stuffed with crumpled paper and taped shut and a bunch or roofing nails and a tack hammer to nail them into the box. He still has the nuts and bolts in a jar somewhere....loved it. Laura
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