Old 07-23-2012, 12:24 AM
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pam if you keep on this way we'll start sending you pickles and ice cream! lol! we hear about the baby from you and you are choosing names, have you told your daughter yet that she's pregnant? she shouldn't be the last to know!! lololol! i made a huge mistake and leaked olivia's name because her mom had said that's what it was going to be. sheesh, a state secret or something! well, my son dithered for a few weeks, then finally allowed as how that's what he wanted to name her. i felt bad, but he dragged it out so long i just forgave me, and moved on to adoring her! lol, that's where i was going anyway! any of you all who want olivia pictures, i have her 11 month ones from jcp. i can forward the email to you but i can't post them on the board. so pm me your email addresses if you'd like to see our little "shrimp" who is now a princess! i was sharing her, especially with xylie, and i haven't heard from her in ages! i have another board friend who is sending o a birthday gift, because she will never have a dgd otherwise. it's all good! o deserves to be loved from far and wide! don't they all?! pam, your little one is already a boy or girl, but it will be awhile before you can tell on the ultrasound. i will admit i like both abbie and maggie, and also molly. have a 2 yr old friend annabelle. old names are new again!
everose-- hang tight! you know you have done the best possible for your mother. mine was in a memory unit and couldn't find her room again if she walked into the hall and didn't know there was a bathroom right next to where she got out of bed. but then she would yell at my sister for 'pushing her around', or 'telling her what to do'. you have to have coverage for the times when she needs it most, and accept the lucid sounding moments as little gifts in time. she probably has no sense of what she has said as soon as it leaves her mouth! you've got my thoughts and prayers, and all the strength i can beam to you! i'm on your side all the way!!
judy good luck with your first procedure! i will keep you in my heart! my back was very good today, and frankly i had not expected it, since saturday i spent too much time cleaning my sewing area and shoving small furniture around. to celebrate i took dh out for mesquite grilled steak and margaritas. my dh calls them adult slurpies! works for me!! i'm not much of an alcohol drinker, but summer just calls for margaritas, and mine had strawberries, so it counted as a fruit. and i had a plain small plain sweet potato, and let's just not even talk about the hot yeast rolls, brushed with honey! lol. i actually, said no to a second basket, and you know i would happily have eaten them and no steak or anything else, but i was good! for b'fast i had small plain pita chips (no fat) and hummus. you do realise my idea of dieting is to get reduced-fat oreos, right?!! and i drink iced coffee, plain, mebbe a tetch of sugar.
the Nancia Memorial Home for Orphaned and Unwanted zucchinis is now officially open and receiving applicants. no squash over 5 lbs will be accepted! at that age they are real stinkers and we'd rather deal with the sweet young things. does anyone have a recipe for pickled green beans? i grew up with them as they were a special treat made for my mother by her best friend's mother. been a long time since i've had them, but boy are they good. i remember them being sweet, and wonderful. also, would love a recipe for the texas sweet & sour and hot pickle chips--all in the same jar--mm,mmm, those are fantastic too! sounds like i'm going to be in quite a pickle!! lol pam, you have an unusual effect on me, too! just for fun!! i truly am excited for you! grandbabies are the best!!! olivia, grammi is coming!!
oooo,oooo,oooo, before i forget, i used to make cold blueberry soup in the summer. anyone have a light version? sorry to be so windy, and hello, everyone! it's been a long time since i've said much, so now i'm saying too much!! lol, that's me! an extremist!!

Last edited by nancia; 07-23-2012 at 12:28 AM.
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