Old 07-23-2012, 04:02 AM
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Location: Colorado
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Love this thread!!! My head is bobbing up and down like a bobble doll as I read through the entries - yep, I do that, yep, I do that too!!

It's funny, because I am rather meticulous about some things (my kids would tell you OCD). And other things, not so much. Sometimes the more effort I take to square things up, do it by the books, the worse it gets (I wasn't having a problem prior). No one's complaining, and I am generally happy with my quilts. Most points match up, but where they don't, they don't. Paper pieced pieces a tad short? Yep, learned about liquid stitch, love it and no one else is any the wiser! I think I have only ripped and pulled up a row of blocks twice to fix a pattern error, because it would have bothered me. Never pre-wash. If I have a few slightly wavy strips, I make it work.

Learned a lot of tips from this thread! You ladies are the best!!
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