Old 07-23-2012, 04:35 AM
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Originally Posted by grann of 6 View Post
Your comments are hilarious, everyone! And I can agree with almost all of them. But since I don't believe the Quilt Police even exist...... That is just your conscience telling you that you are breaking some obscure rule that your great grandmother made. Ha! Ha! I don't put my quilts up for judging for a reason. I have made many a mistake (if you want to call them that) on quilts. And I notice that once the quilt is all finished, people don't even see the mistakes, unless you point them out. So....my lips are sealed!!!! What happens in the sewing studio stays in the sewing studio!
I love your last sentence. What happens in the sewing studio stays in the sewing studio! I'm going to have to remember that one!
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