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Old 07-24-2012, 05:46 AM
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I have the usual complaints-hip replacement, knees with bone on bone and an ankle that is falling to the inside of my foot (pronating.) I'm only 65 but was psychologically starting to fall apart. I've always been a physically strong person but the pain can wear you down. I'd begun to feel like I was getting old and my options were reducing sharply...a wheel-chair was next.
I did two things. First, I bought one of those rubbermaid grey carts with wheels-about $100...the ones that the repair and audio visual folks would push around at corporate when I was there. I no longer have to make many trips from the car with groceries. The cart is lightweight, moves easily and I also move it from room to room to hold my cleaning supplies etc.
The second thing I did was take myself back to the gym and gently exercise 5 days a week. The body will regenerate more quickly than you can imagine. In just 8 weeks, I'm seeing amazing results. I can now stand for more than 5 minutes while in a store. I can roll over in bed and not drag myself. I can pick up my groceries and bend and put them away and not be breathing hard. And I am beginning to do things without thinking twice about them such as lifting a leg to stand on and get out of the car instead of the twirl park bench oof method of getting out of the car. No matter what the injury, one can find exercises to work around them.
I also have the Janome Gem which is just great but frankly I can pick up much heavier now. So, ladies (and guys) I'm betting exercise is coming last and maybe it would be a surprise for you if you would try it and find out, you're not helpless and hurt. You're much stronger than you think. Hope somebody gets inspired from this. Planet Fitness $10 per month.
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