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Old 07-24-2012, 02:32 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
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only you can decide if it's a good one or not- why not stop at the magazine rack at the grocery store (or wally world) & browse through one- see what types of projects they feature- if they appeal to you- we are all different & like different things about magazines- that's why so many can keep going-
i stopped renewing my subscriptions a couple years ago and decided i would just pick up a mag once in a while when i grocery shop- that way i can (pick & choose) and get the ones that have content i will enjoy & use- instead of subscribing to many- or subscribing to one that i only do something from once in a year...if you never make anything from the magazine you are subscribing to---was it a deal?
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