Thread: Pass the Block
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Old 07-26-2012, 01:30 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Here is a new idea for all of you in between RRs. I just read an E book, "The Name of the Quilt", by Carolyn McPherson.
It is chatty, charming, and quilter=friendly. Our heroine makes an anniversary quilt using blocks that tell about the couple.He was born in Kentucky, so she starts with a block called "Kentucky Chain". His wife is Dutch, s she gets "Dutch Rose."They meet in Michigan, so" Michigan Star".She is a nurse;"Red Cross. He is a ceramics chemist, "Broken Dishes". And so on.The author has suggestions for various professions. For an actor, "Bright Hopes" or "Butterfly in the Crossroads, a librarian "Borrow and Return". A lot of fun, good ideas, why not. I read this on my Nook, but it is also on Amazon in print. Enjoy, Dotty
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