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Old 07-26-2012, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by ghostrider View Post
Like most choices in life, this one is entirely up to the individual doing the choosing. There are good and not-so-good fabrics of all types and it's best to make your own decisions.

There are famous maker fabrics that fade, bleed, are loosely woven, have a coarse hand, shrink horribly and even some that smell awful. On the other hand, there are nameless fabrics that don't have any of those faults, are a pleasure to work with and make marvelous quilts that last forever.

Choose your fabrics as you choose your produce. Is it fresh, healthy looking, the perfect color, look beautiful, feel good in your hands, blend well with others, a reasonable price, does it suit your taste, and can you use it to make something that you and others will remember for a very long time? If so, grab it up before someone else beats you to it.
Totally agree!

And Prism99 - sometimes that is what stands out to me the most. "Lower-priced cottons often have a "muddier" appearance with the design not being as sharply defined. Colors and designs are often much better in the name-brand cottons." While I can find fabrics to my liking (liking being defined by feel of the fabric and design) - I have to look longer at Wal-Mart, Joann's, etc. Walking into the closest LQS to me (about 10 minutes away - fairly new shop, they keep adding more fabric!!!) - I am instantly in LOVE with about every fabric I see!!! If I could afford it, I'd always go there first. This because of the designs.

That said, while I usually have to look a bit more at the other locations - I am usually able to find something that I like - and at a cost I can afford (since that does have to be a consideration).
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