Old 07-29-2012, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by SharonAnne View Post
Hi there Anastasia,

How ironic. I, too, took Med Lab Tech (changed to Chem Lab Tech because I pass out at the sight of blood - so Med Lab was not a good fit for me obviously - lol), but I had to drop out with one semester to go. Money reasons and raising 2 toddlers by myself and getting only 4 hours sleep a night. So I fell back on my Accounting degree instead and that's what I've been doing ever since. Still, Chemistry was my passion, but too late now. I went back to school in my 50's and while I had fun taking classes with young people for 3 years, I don't want to do it again. I'd rather just retire and sew, crochet, craft, travel, hike, etc. Wow, I think I'm talking myself into quitting work!!!

You cannot get me out of an office supply store or a drug store or a $ store without some kind of purchase, so we seem to have a bit in common. And, I'm also a perfectionist. This, as I see you already know very well, can have its plusses and its downsides. Nice job of getting 95% on your papers. I had a 3.9 GPA and was bummed it was not 4.0. Perfectionism is stressful, but you seem to have learned to deal with at least 1/2 of the problem. Good going.

See you again. Almost time to get our partners for August. Yippee.
Yea I've gone to school toward other degrees and life gets in the way. I hate the start/stop and the big student loan bill you get with nothing really to show for it. I would like a 4.0 GPA but there's no way. I'm far too lazy But I do have a 3.78 right now after almost a year. Not too bad I guess. It woulda been better but little errors cost a lot of points in my Chemistry class and I got a B+ instead. *sigh* ohwell.

One of my favorite memories, is the second time I saw my BF out in Oak Habor, WA.. we were going geocaching, and we went into Office Depot and got some white-out, and a little container of red paint and a small paint brush. After he had to drag me out of my office supply drooling stupor, we sat in his truck and took out a ton of little plastic green army men. He make little squares of white-out on them, and then I painted little red crosses over the white out. Then we had an army men battle on the dashboard. He's an army medic finishing school to be a PA so he leaves the army men in the caches. We bonded over my love of office supplies

I'm learning to crochet. I was trying to knit, and well it doesn't like me so well.. and I promised a friend a green fuzzy christmas present.. last year... soooo.. I found a similar pattern in crochet.. We'll see how crochet likes me.

Also, I don't mind blood.. spent plenty of time in the vet clinic cleaning it and various other things up. And I watched like every horror movie growing up hehe. But I do have a problem seeing/touching death. Like, to phobic proportions. Sooo I'll stay in the lab, and look for little germs and things
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