Thread: Quirky Habits
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Peckish View Post
I have to pluck my eyebrows (and let's face it, chin whiskers) every day. I'm compulsive about it.
I have to listen to West Wing episodes on my iPod to go to sleep.
I don't count things, but sometimes I will spell things in my head endlessly. Different words, not the same word over and over again. This actually gets annoying, I get to the point where I force myself to stop.
When we visit my MIL, I tip all the pictures on her walls just a teeny bit, so they're not square. I also rearrange the eggs in the fridge so there's gaps in between. Both of these drive her nuts. We LOVE to harass each other, lol!

My mom cannot eat cold cereal with milk, she has to use juice. YUK.
When my brother was a small child, he had a bizarre bedtime ritual - he would get on all fours in the bed and rock back and forth, banging his head on the wall. He did this every night for years.
Years ago I had a boyfriend who was anal about his laundry; he had to fold all of his pants so the seams were aligned and there was a crease down the front, then he would put them in the washer and start it. When the washer was done, he'd take the pants out and fold them AGAIN, put them in the dryer and start it.
When my DH gets out of the shower, he takes the mask section off his CPAP machine and uses the hose to blow his nether regions dry. I find this highly entertaining.
OK, I'm a tweezer addict also. As for your DH & his "blowing", mine does the same thing but he just uses the hair dryer. I'd never thought of it as a "quirk" but now that you mention it, it is... different... LOL!

I had a friend whose brother would eat with his knife pointing straight up in the air... like he was ready to stab anyone who got near his plate. Huh?
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