Thread: Quirky Habits
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Old 07-31-2012, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Peckish View Post
He uses the towel to dry off, but has to finish "Big Jim and the Twins" with the blower from the CPAP. I cannot figure it out. It's nothing sexual or titillating, he claims he just doesn't feel dry unless he's blown dry. I've offered powder, but he refuses - too feminine, I guess. Sure is funny to watch, though!

My dog had some bizarre habits and rituals. He absolutely had to be wearing his leash any time he went out into our backyard, which was fenced. So I'd put it on him, then take it off once he got out, so he wouldn't drag it into his messes. When he decided it was time to come back in, he'd stand at the wide-open door and bark at me. I'd put his leash back on him and he'd walk right in.
"Big Jim & the Twins" -- cracks me UP! "Mr. Johnson" gets the blow dryer treatment around these parts! Tho my DH goes hog wild with the powder. Our bathroom looks like one of those dust storms in Arizona!

My dog's only quirks are that he takes about 5 minutes "arranging" the blankets before he can lay down. He uses all 4 of his legs & his mouth to achieve this & he WON'T lay down until the bed is just like he wants it. Our dog before, Yankee, would get mad & would stomp (yes, actually stomp) down the hall... LOL!
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