Thread: Quirky Habits
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:21 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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I think many of the "quirks" just mentioned make a lot of sense; they help make your life easier and more organized. And I am all for anything that makes my life easier.

My quirk, although it's more of a pet peeve than a quirk, is putting a plastic bag in the trash container without opening it up. Only a couple of items can be put into the container and then they start bouncing out. When he was in the hospital, my dad used a lot of tissues and just dropped them in the trash can. The bags had not been opened up and the snotty tissues ended up on the floor. Eeww positively gross to have to pick them up. Since then I always open the bag up, put in the container and then push the bag down into the corners of the can. That way, air isn't trapped between the bag and container preventing the bag from being fully open.

I know this is anal, but it drives me absolutely nuts when the bag isn't fully opened before putting in the trash can.
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