Thread: Cheater fabric
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:06 AM
Jan in VA
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
i am going to jump right in here & be CRABBY! what a HORRIBLE- NEGATIVE term to apply to a wonderful useful piece of fabric!
i have never understood the whole (negative- CHEATER) reference some people place on panals- I have made some absolutely beautiful- expensive quilts using panal fabrics- i did not CHEAT- i worked hard- and created a beautiful item- which took many hours- it is no different than using any other piece of printed fabric- in my mind-anyone who considers a panal a cheater- should not be using anything except solids- ever- they should not even look at a print fabric.
there is no reason to place something so negative on a valuable resource....and panals can become fabulous quilts and other items- just like the other fabrics we use-
ok- off my soap-box for today-
Hear, hear!
That's why I've called them "efficiency panels" or fabric for years. Wish we could drop the whole "cheater" nomenclature, but I imagine it's pretty deeply ingrained.

Jan in VA
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