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Old 08-05-2012, 06:04 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Batesville, Arkansas
Posts: 852

I am glad you put your head on the chopping block for those you have no idea what you all go through to be a long arm quilter. I was very lucky in finding a person, who though was a fairly new long armer, was able and willing to give me information about what I needed to do before I brought my first quilt top to her to quilt. I love the work she does, and I let her decide how my quilts should be quilted. Only once have I told her what I wanted, and I explained why. She agreed that it would work on that quilt. Her quilting has gotten better over the years, and I know that I have made a concerted effort to send her quilts that don't have problems. I try to find backing fabric that is large enough to not be pieced. If I must piece, I try to piece the fabric to go across or use diagonal piecing. I know that not all problems that arise will be easy fixes, so I try to prevent them in advance. Yes, some people are not as considerate about the work of others as you and my long armer are, but some quilters are not either. Thank you again for sharing your insights and thoughts. You are to be commended not condemned for your information! Keep up the good work and be proud of your work!
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