Old 09-30-2009, 12:42 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: North East USA
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Ok since I didn't think about our gentlemen quilters we are calling this the Secret Quilt Angel project. Men are welcomed and encouraged to join. These are the business details.

If you want to join PM me by December 1st the following information:

Your real name
Your online name
Your address
Your email address
Your special dates of the year, ie. Birthday, Anniversary, date you learned to tie your shoes. Any date you want to celebrate in your life.
Your likes and dislikes, color, technique, "want to learn"
Any other information you would like to share with your Secret Quilt Angel.

On or about December 15th I will choose your Secret Angel and send you their information.

If you are one of our "foreign dignitaries" I will send you both your Secret Angel's information as well as ESQMOMMy's information so she can disguise your identity. Thank you so much for this offer.

On or about January 1st 2010 you can start to send little gifts to your partner and wait with great excitement for your squishies and firmies. The exchange will last one year. You will send you final gift with your identity directly to your partner at Christmas time 2010.
I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I am sure I have forgotten something so keep looking cause I will repair things as I learn what I have screwed up.[i][u]
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