Thread: Fabric Prices
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Old 08-05-2012, 06:17 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 914

I've been trying to mostly use my stash, but I am running low on things after almost a year of doing so. Splurged with this week's unemployment check and bought some fabrics on equilter, it was really expensive but nobody else had any of the fabric I wanted left. Going to try and sew all of my Christmas gifts again this year, but mostly trying to limit my fabric choices to stash. Going to have to buy some backing and I'm working on a quilt for myself that will need batting. I love bright color tone-on-tones which are easy to find and on the lower end of the scale. Finishing up a swap that was in batiks and that cost me = I thought I had enough to do it and had nowhere near enough that went together. I will pay full price for something I really like, but will try and get things on sale if possible. My per yard is on the high end, probably about 9 a yard, because if I am going to spend the money I will buy quality! I hit the sales when I can, but since I have just been buying pieces to finish projects it has cost a little more to match what I already had as some of i is older and getting harder to find.
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