Old 08-05-2012, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by reeskylr
I'm good with other magazines too!

Ahh....SP, I am heading to Jo-Ann's tommorrow with my 50 percent off coupon. I'll see if I can find that fabric you need. I'm also gonna toss some really good coffee in the box when I send it.

Krystyna: Thanks for the story about the Xanax and the job. Any more these days it seems everything is stressfull. If it isn't the job, it is the people and the dramah! I just cannot do the drama any more or the negative attitudes. I try to stay up beat.
Well, I just wrote a comment and it disappeared so will start again. I hear you Reeskylr about the workplace drama. Big fight between two 50+ year olds on Friday and my boss, the Controller let it go on (she was involved, too) in the open for about 15 minutes. This is coming to a head and started in January. So far I have been able to not take sides and stay out of the fray, but it is stressful.. I'm too old for this childishness. Is it time to retire yet? I used to love going to work, but lately, I dread it. The CFO returns tomorrow after a 5 week vacation. Should be a big to do - typical Monday, right? lol.

And Krystyna - here is a photo of the patriotic block I did for the QAYG quilt. As one who has not done a lot of quilting, I was unsure if the batting should be the 12" or the 14" size. I made it the 14", as you can see. Also the backing is 15" because it is fraying. I hope you don't mind doing the final slicing and dicing as appropriate. Better too big than too little, I hope. AND, if you can't use it at all, my feelings will NOT be hurt, so don't be afraid to tell me if I screwed up. Constructive criticism will be welcomed so I can learn from my boo boos!! Seriously - I mean it Krystyna. Don't be afraid to tell me what I might have done wrong. So without futher ado, my attempt at creativity.
Attached Thumbnails patrioticblockkrystyna.jpg  
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