Old 08-08-2012, 05:41 AM
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Location: Washington state
Posts: 820

I have been quilting and looking at quilts for a long time. I do enjoy looking at quilt patterns but I decided that I can be obsessive about things and so I slimmed down my book collection to fit in a small bookcase. (I haven't counted them but I probably have around 75 books in the bookcase.) I'm trying to not buy any more books unless it is for a special reason. I try to keep only the books that I will definitely use in quilt making.

I use to collect quilt magazines and found that the stacks of magazines were starting to irritate me so I tore out the patterns that I liked (along with the directions) and put them into a plastic sleeve with the picture of the pattern as the top page. I put those plastic sleeves in 3 plastic magazine holders. I get a lot of enjoyment and ideas looking at those patterns. I'm now trying to not buy any more magazines because I have more than enough to look at.

I do buy patterns at the store but I'm trying not to buy to many. I try to not buy anything unless I really think I will make it.

I also use EQ5 to design my quilts. I even use it for the quilt patterns that I have bought from the store. That way I can plug in the color that I want to use on that quilt block and decide how big I want to make the quilt. I print the picture of the quilt top out and pin it up in my sewing room with the demensions and notes written on the paper.

All of this is done for the enjoyment of looking at quilts and for me, goes along with the enjoyment of making quilts.
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