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Old 08-08-2012, 07:55 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 15

Originally Posted by Jenniky View Post
Great Discussion Topic : Everyone please relate your experiences with Glue Sticks.

So you are using a regular "Elmers Glue STick" or other brand? I thought the glue sticks were specially made for the quilting. Im sure if it's possible to use the cheaper Glue Stick with the same results.. that would be a great find also??? Has anyone else used a regular glue stick for basting. How did it work for you. Would love to hear quilting experiences with glue sticks. It would be very helpful if you can also tell us what brand of glue stick you have had success with or otherwise.
I use Elmers Craft Bond almost exclusively because thats also what I use for papercrafting. And as someone else said, a little goes a LONG way. LOne of the things I like abut this stick is the clue is purple, not clear, and very strong. So, just a smear here and there, and I am set.

I also use it a LOT for cheating with applique. If I have small bits and bobs in a complicated or really small piece - I use whatever stablizer I can draw on (woven stablizer up to xerox paper) and draw or print my applique shapes on it. Cut them to exact size, and dab/glue them to the back of my fabrics. Then I cut the fabric down to whatever edge size I think i need, and fold and glue those edges to the back of the applique, leaving the stablizing pattern piece in place. THEN i glue the ready applique piece to my fabric base, and sew it down in whatever fashion I wish. Gives me very crisp applique pieces and saves me a LOT of time and frustration.

If I use a wash away stablizer, it will slowly wash away over time, leaving just the cotton.

I do something similar with fabric glue to baste, or stablize, a hem or seam I am sewing. It has helped tremendously with giving me crisper edges and lines in maching sewing.

I find the keys are - a little goes a long way - and dont be afraid of using it, most craft glues (even the perminant ones) dry clear so its hard to see a 'mistake' if you make one!
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