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Old 08-11-2012, 04:28 AM
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Location: Amarillo, Texas
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MaggieMay - Hello, hello . . I also want to invite you to share your QAYG experiences with us and participate in the discussions. And Questions are always welcomed.

Charlottemarie - I love your Halloween Blocks. I notice your blocks are not trimmed and squared prior to you making your first sash joining. If you are following different QAYG variation that is great. My concern is if you are trying to follow the technique I am currently sharing. You possibly could run into some problems with not trimming and squaring up your quilted squares before attaching them with the sashing strips. The advantage of doing the trimming and squaring step is the ability to smoothly align your square edges nicely butted up against each other. And your corners to match up. This is important to aligning your vertical sashing strips when you begin to attach the rows. Keep us posted on your progress.. with your Halloween QAYG quilt.


VickiM - Great Input

Ssnare - I look forward to seeing your completed center today.

Everyone - I would hope that my pointing out or asking questions in regards to our shared progress does not offend anyone. I would never want to do that. Our pictures and posts are the avenue for which we can interact in our virtual classroom thread. I want to be sensitive to the individual learning process and at the same time be helpful. Mistakes are part of the learning process. I Personally have become very adept at picking out seams and resewing. I try to share my mistakes as well as my successes with everyone because I know that awareness of a potential mistake helps to give me that extra mental nudge to avoid making the same or similar mistake when I am ready to try. This is why I also invite input on my shared Steps. (so called Tutorials) It seems easier for sharing to be called that. As I said in the beginning I really don't like to call what I am sharing a tutorial because I am just sharing my attempt at recreating what I have read, and learned via watching others instruction. I will continue to encourage to everyone to share their learning efforts and input. We have a wonderful virtual learning center here on the QB and I'm very pleased to be a part of it and that in this process I am learning as much from you ladies as you may be learning from me. I just want to be clear of not offending anyone. I write and respond off the top of my head. I write as if I'm speaking... more or less. So other than editing glaring mis-spellings. I can't say that I put a lot of thought into what I am writing ... I am just sharing my thoughts and experiences. I am counting as much on you Ladies to help me as I want to help you. When I am posting the tutorials, again I am just taking pictures as I do each step and then I relate to you what I did along the process along with any extra tidbits of info I have read or experienced. I write all of this because we are not in a physical classroom and those extra laid back stance of the body, light tone in voice, and smile don't always translate through words. Gasp, Charlottemarie what Im trying to say .... Is I just want to help you. Am I? or Did I just splat myself on the ground as I fumble the ball.?
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