Old 08-11-2012, 06:48 PM
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One day last year I got a call at work from my 38 yr old son. He said he'd gotten an email from me that day, and it just didn't sound like me. The email, supposedly from me, 'couldn't wait to tell you about the amazing sex I had last night!', and went on to describe just how amazing that sex was. Now, I'm 61, a widow, and a grandmom. Not that 61 yr old widowed grandmoms don't have sex. It's just that I have never dated since becoming a widow and have no desire to date at this point in my life.

I knew my close family would know that this wasn't from me, but it went to every single address in my email account. Some were business associates I hadn't seen in a couple of years. Some addresses were to people at church - you get the idea.

I changed my passwords on everything as soon as I got home, and sent an email to everyone in address book explaining that I had been scammed. I'm just not sure why it was done, unless the scammer was testing my password to see how far he/she could send the stupid emails, maybe with plans to do worse if this one worked?
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