Old 08-17-2012, 02:53 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: MO (the Show Me state)
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~ you guys are cracking me up. i had to skim pages since i don't have time to catch up yet but losing sleep and lying in driveways, too funny. i still haven't received my package either but i know the mailing deadline was just 2 days ago so i'm being patience plus i wouldn't be able to just relax and gloat over the contents right now. too much flux.

~ i still moving stuff, boy did i have a lot of it. i have given so much away to goodwill, freecycle, dress for success, on craigslist and just putting things out at the curb. i divested myself of stuff i have been carrying around for years but also of new stuff too. oh well. i saw so many bins of fabric i didn't know i had (from my sewing days) that i know i have fabric to rehome also.... lots of it. i saw a few pieces of silk i didn't know i had. i was too excited. my 2 furbabies have been so stressed with seeing everything kinda disappear around them. i decided to move them last since i have nothing set up in my other place. i can truly say i will never collect and keep so much stuff from this day forward.

~ on my impending job possibility, this has been the longest process. you would think i was trying to get a government clearance. Various people with the organization speak as if i am the final candidate but until the executive director gives the ok, i say not. A couple of my references say they felt she was interviewing them when they spoke with the ED. for this job, my experience is over and beyond what they need and their pay scale is significantly below what i made in corporate america and i assured the ED that i was aware of these things but wanted her to know i would do an excellent job for her organization if she decided to hire me. why it is still taking so long... who knows. the ED told me the last person they hired was in over her head and had sunk within 3 months. perhaps this is why it's taking so long now to make sure they have a good fit.

~ but being the woman of faith that i am, i believe nothing happens arbitrarily in my life but everything is with purpose even when i cannot see it. with that said if i get this job i will rejoice and if i don't get it i will still rejoice knowing that there is something better waiting for me.

to all of us that are waiting on packages, do something refreshing while you wait (i.e. make a handmade surprise or two for the next swap, go sale shopping, browse a thrift store) and know your package is just a delivery away. it's on its way.

Last edited by Havplenty; 08-17-2012 at 03:01 AM.
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